
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Public Advocate Citizen's Alert:

I must say this once again, "A person's actions proves as to what is in their heart, to whether or not if they are a godly Christian. Absolutely no one, not the Pope nor President Obama or anyone else can or will ever change God's standards of morality." MLB


Obama Appoints Radical Transgender to Department of Commerce

" one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds"
Amanda Simpson
Obama’s Transgender Appointee
Apparently Obama is secretly planning to saturate the federal government with radical homosexuals, by bowing to the demands of the Homosexual Lobby and appointing the transgender Amanda Simpson to the Department of Commerce.

Having served on the Board of Directors for two national organizations (Out & Equal and National Council for Transgender Equality), both extensions of the Homosexual Lobby, Simpson is an outspoken and clearly radical advocate of the Homosexual Agenda.

Regardless of whether this individual is qualified for the position, Amanda Simpson made it apparent that his/her number one priority is the advancement of the Homosexual Agenda. Something we have been seeing more and more of.

This is hardly Obama’s first indication of his desire to payback the Homosexual Lobby, such as the hiring and subsequent refusal to fire the radical homosexual “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings.

But it serves as a reminder of the real threat out there. . . Barney Frank’s Gay Bill of Special Rights.

If it passes, there will no longer be any sanctuary free of radical homosexuals whose number one mission is to spread their agenda.

And with the Gay Bill of Special Rights at the top of the agenda for 2010, the influence of the Homosexual Lobby will extend past the White House and into our lives.

Every workplace would be forced to adhere to strict regulations regarding the employment of homosexuals, no matter how radical.

Daycares, churches, private schools, businesses, etc…. none would be exempt from forced hiring of radical homosexuals if the Gay Bill of Special Rights passes.

And even firing problem homosexual employees would lead to prosecution.

Keep an eye out news of the Gay Bill of Special Rights. The House convenes tomorrow and Barney Frank will look to move his pro-homosexual bill quickly.

Public Advocate will be there to let them know you oppose the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby.

If at all possible, please consider a donation to Public Advocate to help fight the Homosexual Lobby.


Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate

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